Secondary Structure Prediction of Proteins
Palaios, G.A. and Hamodrakas, S.J.

Index 2.Copyright notice 4. Output Description

3. Input description

A sequence can be either typed directly in the text area or pasted from a text editor. The sequence can be given in any READSEQ readable format:

         1. IG/Stanford           10. Olsen
         2. GenBank/GB            11. Phylip3.2
         3. NBRF                  12. Phylip
         4. EMBL                  13. Plain/Raw
         5. GCG                   14. PIR/CODATA
         6. DNAStrider            15. MSF
         7. Fitch                 16. ASN.1
         8. Pearson/Fasta         17. PAUP/NEXUS
         9. Zuker

For convenience, it is also possible to enter a sequence as plain text using the one-letter code for aminoacid residues. the results of the program. The user can enter up to 10 sequences simultaneously (this can be modified on request). The maximum length of a sequence is 500 residues.