Secondary Structure Prediction of Proteins
Palaios, G.A. and Hamodrakas, S.J.
Index | |
2.Copyright notice |
1. About the Program
This package makes use of an algorithm that combines the
results of the secondary structure prediction methods of Nagano, Garnier
et al., Burges et al., Chou and Fasman, Lim and Dufton and Hider.
The results are displayed either in text or in graphics-text mode.
1.1 Modifications
There are no changes to the method of Nagano.
The loop forming residues are presented as turns/coil.
The directional method of Garnier et al is used,
choosing run constants of one and decision constants
of zero. This method , unambiguously assigns one of four
conformational states to each residue in an aminoacid
sequence. However, in our version the residues predicted
to be coil, are presented as turn/coil residues.
The method of Burgess et al. simultaneously predicts
helix, extended structure and bends according to their
nonamer model. We keep the assignements for helix and
extended structure (beta-sheet) and we present the 4th-5th-
6th-and 7th residues of the nonamer bend model as turn
forming residues.
For the method of Chou and Fasman we have used the latest
set of parameters (Adv.Enzymol. 1978, 47,45).
Turn prediction is done according to their
algorithm, presented in Biophys. Journal, 1979,26,367.
In the method of Lim, both alpha-helix and beta-sheet prediction
are presented independently , even if they coincide .
In the initial algorithm alpha-helix prediction prevails over
beta-sheet prediction.
For the method of Dufton and Hider, we use
tetrapeptides instead of hexa- and penta-peptides for
helix and sheet prediction respectively. Tetrapeptides
are predicted as probable turns, if their P(t) values
are >=2.0.