Kyriaki PavlouPhD student.
cpavlou biol.uoa.gr |
1998-present: PhD student in the Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics,
Faculty of Biology, University of Athens.
Title: "Biochemical and structural studies of Concanavalin A".
Supervisor: Professor Stavros J. Hamodrakas
Undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Biology, University of Athens.
Diploma Thesis: " Purification and Crystallization of Concanavalin A (ConA)."
Supervisor: Professor Stavros J. Hamodrakas
My research interests are oriented towards the biochemical purification and
crystallographic characterization of proteins.
At present my research is
focused on crystallization trials of complexes of the plant lectin
Concanavalin A with specific saccharides and structural studies by X-Ray
crystallographic methods.
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Hamodrakas, S. J., Kanellopoulos, P. N., Pavlou, K. and Tucker,
P. A. (1997) The crystal structure of the complex of Concanavalin A with 4'-
methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucopyranoside, J. Struct. Biol., 118,
23-30. [Abstract]
Kanellopoulos, P. N., Pavlou, K., Perrakis, A., Agianian, B., Vorgias, C.,
Mavrommatis, C., Soufi, M., Tucker, P. A. and Hamodrakas, S. J. (1996)
The crystal structure of the complexes of Concanavalin A with 4'-nitrophenyl-α-D-mannopyranoside
and 4'-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside, J. Struct. Biology, 116,
345-355. [Abstract]
Kanellopoulos, P. N., Pavlou, K., Agianian, B., Tucker, P. A. and Hamodrakas,
S. J. (1996) A triclinic crystal form of the lectin Concanavalin A, J.
Struct. Biol., 117, 16-23. [Abstract]